Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 30th -- "Most Dangerous Game" ends

After reading workshop (time to read, log what was read, and completion of reader response #3), we discussed last night's reading, the end of "The Most Dangerous Game," and responses ranged from "What the heck happened?" to "Did he just do what I think he did?" 

We also finished up all short story notes and prepared to read "The Scarlet Ibis."  Homework tonight is to read to page 205 and be ready to discuss tomorrow.  FYI -- it's told in flashback.  :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

August 29th -- STAR Reading Test

Today we took the STAR reading test -- if you were absent, see me to make this up ASAP so I can run everyone's reports.  If you score at a 9th grade reading level or above, I'll give you a 100% bonus grade; for those of you that score below, keep working, and the next time we take it, you'll make it! 

Also, make sure to finish "The Most Dangerous Game" tonight and have it ready to turn in (all Pause and Reflects/Reading Checks completed, torn out, and stapled).  See you tomorrow!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Class of 2015 Picture

This afternoon, after a long day of PLAN testing, we gathered to listen to Mr. Gossage deliver an encouraging word for the freshman class, and then headed to the football field for a group picture and handprint painting.  :)  It was H-O-T, but the photo results were fab-u-lous!  Go Class of 2015!!!!!!

August 26th -- A Blog is Born

It hasn't been easy, nor is it particularly what I want in terms of design, but I'm posting my first blog EVER!  I'm excited by this new venue of discussion, this new way of communicating with students, and I pray that I will be successful at keeping it updated with information that you deem suitable.  I also pray that students will actually look at it!