What I Am Reading...

Room -- Lindsay Daniels loaned me this one -- I'm just getting into it now.  I'll post more after I read more!

The Kite Runner  I hated this book for almost 3/4 of the time it took me to read it.  I was angry with the protagonist, angry with his weaknesses, angry at the country's unrest and unfairness... It was foreign to me, and I almost stopped reading it, but I couldn't get this book out of my head.  So I finished it.  Is it my all-time favorite book ever?  No.  Would I read it again?  No.  Do I recommend it to others?  Maybe.  I just can't get the characters or the story line out of my head, so there is something intrinsic about the novel that draws me still, even after I am finished with it. There is a companion novel from a female stand-point, so I'll probably read it, but not for a while.  I need something fun and uplifting now.  :) 

The Choice -- Nicholas Sparks   I'm almost finished with this book, and I really love it, although there are parts in it that frustrate me (can anyone really fall in love that fast????  and is any man that perfect???).  Can't wait to get to those last few chapters tonight.    Okay, I finished it, and am really glad that I did.  Girls, pick this one up, okay?

The Most Wanted -- just finished this book over the weekend.  It's basically about a 14 year old that marries a man in prison (yeah, I know...) and gets pregnant by him.  It's incredibly sad how neglected she is by her family, and really, really interesting because I knew absolutely nothing about the topic. 

The Help -- love, love, love this book!  Couldn't put it down!  Thinking about a book club in September with it.  Would anyone come?

Anything by Jodi Picoult -- my favorites are:
Harvesting the Heart (1994), Picture Perfect (1995), Keeping Faith (1999), Plain Truth (2000), Salem Falls (2001),  My Sister's Keeper(2004), Vanishing Acts (2005), Nineteen Minutes (2007), Change of Heart (2008), Handle With Care (2009), House Rules (2010) – and her newest novel, SING YOU HOME (2011).

Anything by Janet Evanovitch -- my favorites are:

The Outlander series -- I'm so in love with Jamie Fraser!!

I want to read Eat, Pray, Love -- anyone have a copy?