
Most every Wednesday, our bellringer will include a grammar activity of some sort, designed to help you become a better reader, writer, and speaker, through learning and using proper grammar rules.

Below you will find a description of each exercise, along with the date, in case you need to make up any missed work or to double check if you are ready for our next grammar lesson.

Diagnostic Quiz (8/17/11)

Today we completed a diagnostic quiz over the 8 parts of speech, in order to see where our grammar lessons will progress from here, as well as to determine your individual strengths and weaknesses. 

See me if you need a copy.

Parts of Speech Quiz (8/24/11)

Today we took a similar quiz to last week's.  After reviewing your strengths and weaknesses, this quiz should show me what you are still struggling with before we move past parts of speech in our grammar lessons.  See me if you need to take this quiz.