Monday, October 24, 2011

Oct. 25th - Reading Informational Nonfiction

Hi everyone!  I'm not here today (Carter's getting a filling-- yuck!), so I'm posting in advance. 

* read 15 min., fill out log, and write reader's response
* turn in intro and brainstorming (attach with staple -- brainstorming on back)
* take Informational Nonfiction quiz (reading passage with questions...)  good luck!

See you Wednesday!

October 24th -- I'm back......

Hi guys!  It's been forever and a day since I've last posted, but I'm trying to get back in the swing.  :)

Today's assignment:  recheck books and read (oh, happy day!) for 15 min. 
* fill out log (oopsie -- made a mistake!  Put both today's and tomorrow's reading on 10-25 space)
* turn in "In Cold Blood" articles
* read sample memoir (see me for a copy) and sample intros (see me)
* write your own intro! 

So -- what did you think of the "In Cold Blood" articles?  Let's chat!
Glad to be back!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 6th

Today we did do grammar, so make sure I get to see your book to check pages 28-29 (Honors classes 28-30).  You'll also want to complete pages 31-32 (Honors 31-33A) before next grammar time. 

We continued watching Tuesdays with Morrie, and we'll finish tomorrow.  Do you like it?  I think it's a sweet story!

October 5th -- Tuesdays with Morrie

Sorry, guys!  Carter was sick, so today we just watched the movie version of Tuesdays with Morrie.   I know you're disappointed we didn't get to grammar, but maybe tomorrow! :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 4th -- Carter's Birthday & Tuesday with Morrie

Happy 4th birthday to Carter! 

Today after reading workshop, we completed Reader Response #6.  Be sure to turn this in!

We also read another literary nonfiction piece, an excerpt from Tuesdays with Morrie, and answered several multiple choice questions.  This was a timed reading experience, but if you were absent, please just get it done and turn it in ASAP.  Thanks!

October 3rd -- A Christmas Memory

After reading workshop today, we finished up the literary nonfiction piece, "A Christmas Memory" by Truman Capote in our Reader Plus workbooks.  Please have all reading checks and pause and reflects completed, and have pages 119-135 torn out and stapled, read to turn in for a daily grade.  (Page 135 will gain you five bonus points.)

Also, visit the composition notebook page for entry #12.